Principal Jeff Thomas by Donavan Craven

Tune in to the Wildcats Radio Hour on Tuesday, 4/18 from 10 am to 11 am to hear Donavan’s exclusive, live interview with Mr. Thomas!

Jeffrey Thomas was born in Springfield, Vermont. Mr. Thomas has an older brother that lives in Vermont, an older sister that lives in Vermont, and a younger sister that lives in Florida. Mr. Thomas has always been a family man. Mr. Thomas has always been a competitive person, yet he still tries to make sure everyone is happy. Basketball is his favorite sport because of his transition to college ball. While being an older gentleman, the family-oriented man plays sports, and he also works out, so he can stay in shape. Mr. Thomas has always been known as a person with respect and energy. 

Mr. Thomas is the principal at White River Valley High School, he has a goal set for having our school be the best in the state. Mr. Thomas is very enthusiastic about our school and activities. Thomas always tries to attend our sports, whether it’s boys or girls, it doesn’t matter; he enjoys watching us play. Thomas comes to our sports because he thinks of us as his kids in school. 

Mr. Thomas has had a tremendous impact on our school and community ever since we heard that he was going to be our new principal. When he first came to our school he set clear guidelines and expectations for the staff and students, which set a foundation for the school year. These expectations were different from previous years, and at first, they seemed silly, but now that we are on the final stretch of the year, I have realized the impact that the rules have had on our school’s energy. I hope that he continues to figure out and enforce the rules that he has because it has straightened out multiple problems that our school used to suffer from. Before he came to our school, we had a problem of misbehaving kids and rambunctious, boisterous hallways, but when he arrived he set rules where teachers had to be in the hallways to greet the students. This rule and Mr. Thomas being well respected changed the behavior of the students to more affable ways. Before he arrived our school felt strict and didn’t have many options, but since he’s been here it feels like a sanctuary of learning like it’s supposed to be, this is because he isn’t as strict about silly things. But he is strict around serious matters and knows how to deal with the situations. 

Principal Jeff Thomas is well respected and that’s one reason that he has had such a tremendous impact on our school. The lofty goals that he sets for us are as if we are his kids, so he wants us to be our best selves. Since he is so relaxed and can deal with matters in his way it has an impact where the problems aren’t happening anymore. Mr. Thomas has had a great impact on all of the students, and I hope that he keeps working towards making our school great.